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본사 친구들과 ARMv8 부팅과정에서 부트로더-커널의 execution state에 대해 얘기하다 이것저것 찾아보았다.

그러다 문제에 대한 답이 있는 것은 아니었는데 ARMv8에 대한 기본 설명부터 약간의 추가 asm 설명까지 있는 사이트가 있어서 스크랩-

출처는 https://quequero.org/2014/04/introduction-to-arm-architecture/

Introduction to ARMv8 64-bit Architecture


The ARM architecture is a Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) architecture, indeed its originally stood for “Acorn RISC Machine” but now stood for “Advanced RISC Machines”.
In the last years, ARM processors, with the diffusion of smartphones and tablets, are beginning very popular: mostly this is due to reduced costs, and a more power efficiency compared to other architectures as CISC:

Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) processors, like the x86, have a rich instruction set capable of doing complex things with a single instruction. Such processors often have significant amounts of internal logic that decode machine instructions to sequences of internal operations (microcode).RISC architectures, in contrast, have a smaller number of more general purpose instructions, that might be executed with significantly fewer transistors, making the silicon cheaper and more power efficient. Like other RISC architectures, ARM cores have a large number of general-purpose registers and many instructions execute in a single cycle. It has simple addressing modes, where all load/store addresses can be determined from register contents and instruction fields.

RISC architectures (ARM, Mips, …) peculiarity:

  • The load/store architecture only allows memory to be accessed by load and store operations, and all values for an operation need to be loaded from memory and be present in registers, so operations as “add reg,[address]” are not permitted!
  • Another difference with CISC architectures: when a Branch and Link is called (in Intel arch. is the “call” operation) the return address is stored in a special register and not in the stack.

A lack into ARM architecture is the absence of multi-threading support, which is present in many others architectures as: Intel and Mips.
Cause of AArch32 (32bit) is most documented: Arm on wiki, Cambridge University – Operation System Development I decided to talk only about AArch64 (64bit).


A short ARM processors list:

  1. Classic or Cortext-A: with DSP, Floating Point, TrustZone e Jazelle extensions. ARMv5 e ARM6 (2001)
  2. Cortex-M: ARM Thumb®-2 technology which provides excellent code density. With Thumb-2 technology, the Cortex-M processors support a fundamental base of 16-bit Thumb instructions, extended to include more powerful 32-bit instructions. First Multi-core. (2004)
  3. Cortex-R: ARMv7 Deeply pipelined micro-architecture,Flexible Multi-Processor Core (MPCore) configurations:Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP) & Asymmetric Multi-Processing (AMP), LPAE extension.
  4. Cortex-A50: ARMv8-A 64bit with load-acquire and store-release features , which are an excellent match for the C++11, C11 and Java memory models. (2011)


With every new version of ARM, there’re new extensions provided, the v8 architecture has these:

  • Jazelle is a Java hardware/software accelerator: “ARM Jazelle DBX (Direct Bytecode eXecution) technology for direct bytecode execution of Java”. On Sofware side: Jazelle MobileVM is a complete JVM which is Multi-tasking, engineered to provide high performance multi-tasking in a very small memory footprint
  • Floating Point: for floating point operations
  • NEON: the ARM SIMD 128 bit (Single instruction, multiple data) engine and DSP the SIMD 32bit engine useful to make linear algebra operations
  • Cryptographic Extension is an extension of the SIMD support and operates on the vector register file. It provides instructions for the acceleration of encryption and decryption to support the following: AES, SHA1, SHA2-256.
  • TrustZone: is a system-wide approach to security for a wide array of client and server computing platforms include payment protection technology, digital rights management, BYOD, and a host of secured enterprise solutions
  • Virtualization Extensions with the Large Physical Address Extension (LPAE) enable the efficient implementation of virtual machine hypervisors for ARM architecture compliant processors.
    • The visualization extensions provide the basis for ARM architecture compliant processors to address the needs of both client and server devices for the partitioning and management of complex software environments into virtual machines.
    • The Large Physical Address extension provides the means for each of the software environments to utilize efficiently the available physical memory when handling large amounts of data


  • AArch64 the ARMv8-A 64-bit execution state, that uses 31 64-bit general purpose registers (R0-R30), and a 64-bit program counter (PC), stack pointer (SP), and exception link registers(ELR). Provides 32 128-bit registers for SIMD vector and scalar floating-point support (V0-V31).
    A64 instructions have a fixed length of 32 bits and are always little-endian.
  • AArch32 is the ARMv8-A 32-bit execution state, that uses 13 32-bit general purpose registers (R0-R12), a 32-bit program counter (PC), stack pointer (SP), and link register (LR). Provides 32 64-bit registers for Advanced SIMD vector and scalar floating-point support.
    AArch32 execution state provides a choice of two instruction sets, A32 (ARM) and T32 (Thumb2). Operation in AArch32 state is compatible with ARMv7-A operation.
  • T32: 16-bit instructions are decompressed transparently to full 32-bit ARM instructions in real time without performance loss.Thumb-2 technology made Thumb a mixed (32- and 16-bit) length instruction set

Data types

Data types are simply these:

  • Byte: 8 bits.
  • Halfword: 16 bits.
  • Word: 32 bits.
  • Doubleword: 64 bits.
  • Quadword: 128 bits.

The architecture also supports the following floating-point data types:

  • Half-precision floating-point formats.
  • Single-precision floating-point format.
  • Double-precision floating-point format.

In this short guide, I don’t talk about floating point assembly instructions to don’t make it too long, if you want know more about, you can see the ARM Architecture Reference Manual.

Exception levels

There’re four exception levels, which replaces the 8 different processor modes, they work as the ring in Intel architectures, they are a form of privilege hierarchy:

  • EL0 is the least privileged level, indeed it is called unprivileged execution. Apps are runned here.
  • EL1: here can be runned OS kernel
  • EL2: provides support for virtualization of Non-secure operation. Hypervisor can runned here.
  • EL3 provides support for switching between two Security states, Secure state and Non-secure state. Secure monitor can be runned here.

When executing in AArch64 state, execution can move between Exception levels only on taking an exception or on returning from an exception.
Each of the 4 privilege levels has 3 private banked registers: the Exception Link Register, Stack Pointer and Saved PSR.

Interprocessing: AArch64 <=> AArch32

Interprocessing is the term used to describe moving between the AArch64 and AArch32 Execution states.
The Execution state can change only on a change of Exception level. This means that the Execution state can change only on taking an exception to a higher Exception level, or returning from an exception to a lower Exception level.
On taking an exception to a higher Exception level, the Execution state either:

  • Remains unchanged.
  • Changes from AArch32 state to AArch64 state.

On returning from an exception to a lower Exception level, the Execution state either:

  • Remains unchanged.
  • Changes from AArch64 state to AArch32 state.

The A64 Register

A64 has 31 general-purpose registers (integer) more the zero register and the current stack pointer register, here all the registers:

Wn 32 bits General-purpose register: n can be 0-30
Xn 64 bits General-purpose register: n can be 0-30
WZR 32 bits Zero register
XZR 64 bits Zero register
WSP 32 bits Current stack pointer
SP 64 bits Current stack pointer

How registers should be using by compilers and programmers:

  • r30 (LR): The Link Register, is used as the subroutine link register (LR) and stores the return address when Branch with Link operations are performed.
  • r29 (FP): The Frame Pointer
  • r19…r28: Callee-saved registers
  • r18: The Platform Register, if needed; otherwise a temporary register.
  • r17 (IP1): The second intra-procedure-call temporary register (can be used by call veneers and PLT code); at other times may be used as a temporary register.
  • r16 (IP0): The first intra-procedure-call scratch register (can be used by call veneers and PLT code); at other times may be used as a temporary register.
  • r9…r15: Temporary registers
  • r8: Indirect result location register
  • r0…r7: Parameter/result registers

The PC (program counter) has a limited access, only few instructions, as BL and ADL, can modify it.

The use of Stack

The stack implementation is full-descending: in a push the stack pointer is decremented, i.e the stack grows towards lower address.
Another features is that stack must be quad-word aligned: SP mod 16 = 0.

A64 instructions can use the stack pointer only in a limited number of cases:

  • Load/Store instructions use the current stack pointer as the base address: When stack alignment checking is enabled by system software and the base register is SP, the current stack pointer must be initially quadword aligned, That is, it must be aligned to 16 bytes. Misalignment generates a Stack Alignment fault.
  • Add and subtract data processing instructions in their immediate and extended register forms, use the current stack pointer as a source register or the destination register or both.
  • Logical data processing instructions in their immediate form use the current stack pointer as the destination register.

Process State

PSTATE (process state, CPSR on AArch32) holds process state related information, his flags will be change with compare instructions, for example, so it is used by processor to see if make a branch (jump in Intel terminology) or not.

Negative condition flag
Zero condition flag
Carry condition flag
oVerflow condition flag
Debug mask bit [AArch64 only]
Asynchronous abort mask bit
IRQ mask bit
FIQ mask bit
Software step bit
Illegal execution state bit
Exception Level (see above)
not Register Width: 0=64, 1=32
Stack pointer select: 0=SP0, 1=SPx [AArch32 only]
Cumulative saturation flag [AArch32 only]
Greater than or Equal flags [AArch32 only]
If-then execution state bits [AArch32 only]
J execution state bit [AArch32 only]
T32 execution state bit [AArch632 only]
Endian execution state bit [AArch32 only]
Mode field (see above) [AArch32 only]

The first four flags are the Condition flags (NZCV), and they are the mostly used by processors:

  • N: Negative condition flag. If the result is regarded as a two’s complement signed integer, then the PE sets N to 1 if the result is negative, and sets N to 0 if it is positive or zero.
  • Z: Zero condition flag. Set to 1 if the result of the instruction is zero, and to 0 otherwise. A result of zero often indicates an equal result from a comparison.
  • C: Carry condition flag. Set to 1 if the instruction results in a carry condition, for example an unsigned overflow that is the result of an addition.
  • V: Overflow condition flag. Set to 1 if the instruction results in an overflow condition, for example a signed overflow that is the result of an addition

Condition code suffixes

This suffixes are used by the Branch conditionally instruction, here a table useful to understand what they mean:

Suffix Flags Meaning
EQ Z set Equal
NE Z clear Not equal
CS or HS C set Higher or same (unsigned >= )
CC or LO C clear Lower (unsigned < )
MI N set Negative
PL N clear Positive or zero
VS V set Overflow
VC V clear No overflow
HI C set and Z clear Higher (unsigned >)
LS C clear or Z set Lower or same (unsigned <=)
GE N and V the same Signed >=
LT N and V differ Signed <
GT Z clear, N and V the same Signed >
LE Z set, N and V differ Signed <=
AL Any Always. This suffix is normally omitted.

when you see <cond> near an assembly instruction you can use one of these suffixes.

Instruction Set

The A64 encoding structure breaks down into the following functional

  • A miscellaneous group of branch instructions, exception generating instructions, and system instructions.
  • Data processing instructions associated with general-purpose registers. These instructions are supported by two functional groups, depending on whether the operands:
    • Are all held in registers.
    • Include an operand with a constant immediate value.
  • Load and store instructions associated with the general-purpose register file and the SIMD and floating-point register file.
  • SIMD and scalar floating-point data processing instructions that operate on the SIMD and floating-point registers. (I don’t debate)

What instructions are not present compared to AArch32:

  • Conditional execution operations, cause of:

    The A64 instruction set does not include the concept of predicated or conditional execution. Benchmarking shows that modern branch predictors work well enough that predicated execution of instructions does not offer sufficient benefit to justify its significant use of opcode space, and its implementation cost in advanced implementations. [source]

  • Load Multiple.  instructions load from memory a subset, or possibly all, of the general-purpose registers and the PC, so there aren’t: push, pop, ldmia, ecc… : these are be replace by load/store pair.
  • Coprocessor instructions

Branches & Exception

Conditional branch
Conditional branches change the flow of execution depending on the current state of the condition flags or the value in a general-purpose register.

B<cond> Branch conditionally B.<cond> <label>
CBNZ Compare and branch if nonzero CBNZ <Wt|Xt>, <label>
CBZ Compare and branch if zero CBZ <Xt>, <label>


Unconditional branch

B Branch unconditionally B <label>
BL Branch with link BL <label>

The BL instruction(s) writes the address of the sequentially following instruction, for the return (see RET), to general-purpose register, X30.

Unconditional branch (register)

BLR Branch with link to register BLR <Xn>
BR Branch to register BR <Xn>
RET Return from subroutine: RET {<Xn>};  where Xn register holding the address to be branched to. Defaults to X30 if absent.


Exception generating

  • HVC Generate exception targeting Exception level 2
  • SMC Generate exception targeting Exception level 3
  • SVC Instruction Generate exception targeting Exception level 1

Others instrunctions

  • NOP: No OPeration
  • WFE Wait for event
  • WFI Wait for interrupt
  • SEV Send event
  • SEVL Send event local

Load/Store register

There’re many instructions in this class to move many data size: byte, halfword and word, but I show only four, just to make you understand them : two for move single register and two for move a pair of registers; but first I have to describe how we can access to memory.

Load/Store addressing modes

This part is very important to understand different ARM addressing modes; the most used are three:

  • [base{, #imm}]: Base plus offset  addressing means that the address is the value in the 64-bit base register plus an offset.
    • Example: ldrsw    x0, [x29,76]   #load signed word in x0
  • [base, #imm]! : Pre-indexed addressing means that the address is the sum of the value in the 64-bit base register and an offset, and the address is then writtenback to the base register.
    • Example: stp    x29, x30, [sp, -80]!  #store x9 e x30 into stack from sp-80
  • [base], #imm : Post-indexed addressing means that the address is the value in the 64-bit base register, and the sum of the  address and the offset is then written back to the base register.
    • Example: ldp    x29, x30, [sp], 80 #load values from stack

now I can describe load/store instructions, don’t care addressing mode, I show you only few example.

Single Register
Save a register into a memory

  • ldr: Load register works with:
    • Register offset:  LDR <Xt>, [<Xn|SP>, <R><m>{, <extend> {<amount>}}]
    • Immediate offset: LDR <Xt>, [<Xn|SP>], #<simm>
    • PC-relative literal: LDR <Xt>, <label
  • str: Store register:
    • register offset: STR <Xt>, [<Xn|SP>, <R><m>{, <extend> {<amount>}}]
    • immediate offset: STR <Xt>, [<Xn|SP>], #<simm>

    <simm> is signed immediate byte offset, in the range -256 to 255

Pair of Registers
Save the two registers specified into memory address of Xn or SP

  • ldp load pair: LDP <Xt1>, <Xt2>, [<Xn|SP>], #<imm>
  • stp store pair: STP <Xt1>, <Xt2>, [<Xn|SP>], #<imm>

<imm> is signed immediate byte offset, a  multiple of 8 in the range -512 to 504

Data processing – immediate

Arithmetic (immediate)

ADD ADD (immediate) ADD <Xd|SP>, <Xn|SP>, #<imm>{, <shift>}; Rd = Rn + shift(imm)
ADDS Add and set flags
SUB Subtract  SUB <Xd|SP>, <Xn|SP>, #<imm>{, <shift>}; Rd = Rn – shift(imm)
SUBS Subtract and set flags
CMP Compare  CMP <Xn|SP>, #<imm>{, <shift>}
CMN Compare negative

Where: <shift> Is the optional shift type to be applied to the second source operand, defaulting to LSL.
The shift operators LSL (logical shift left), ASR (arithm sift right) and LSR (logical shift right) accept an immediate shift <amount> in the range 0 to one less than the register width of the instruction, inclusive.


AND Bitwise AND <Xd|SP>, <Xn>, #<imm>  ;Rd = Rn AND imm
ANDS Bitwise AND and set flags ANDS <Xd>, <Xn>, #<imm> ;Rd = Rn AND imm
EOR Bitwise exclusive EOR <Xd|SP>, <Xn>, #<imm> ;Rd = Rn EOR imm
ORR Bitwise inclusive ORR <Xd|SP>, <Xn>, #<imm> ;Rd = Rn OR imm
TST Test bits TST <Xn>, #<imm>  ;Rn AND imm


Instructions to move wide immediate (16bit):

MOVZ Move wide with zero  MOVZ <Xd>, #<imm>{, LSL #<shift>} ;Rd = LSL (imm16, shift)
MOVN Move wide with NOT  MOVN <Xd>, #<imm>{, LSL #<shift>} ;Rd = NOT (LSL (imm16, shift))
MOVK Move 16-bit immediate into register, keeping other bits unchange  MOVK <Xd>, #<imm>{, LSL #<shift>} ; Rd<shift+15:shift> = imm16

There are also an instruction to move immediate:
MOV <Xd>, #<imm>  ;Rd = imm
but his three versions are aliases of movz, movn and movk

PC-relative address calculation

  • The ADR instruction adds a signed, 21-bit immediate to the value of the program counter that fetched this instruction, and then writes the result to a general-purpose register:
    ADR <Xd>, <label>
  • The ADRP instruction permits the calculation of the address at a 4KB aligned memory region. In conjunction with an ADD(immediate) instruction, or  a Load/Store instruction with a 12-bit immediate offset, this allows for the calculation of, or access to, any address within ±4GB of the current PC:
    ADRP <Xd>, <label>


ASR Arithmetic shift right  ASR <Xd>, <Xn>, #<bits to shift>
LSL Logical shift left  LSL <Xd>, <Xn>, #<shift>
LSR Logical shift right  LSR <Xd>, <Xn>, #<shift>
ROR Rotate right  ROR <Xd>, <Xs>, #<bits to shift>

Data processing – register

Arithmetic (shifted register)

  • ADD: Add
  • ADDS: Add and set setting the condition flags
  • SUB: Subtract
  • SUBS: Subtract and set flags
  • CMN: Compare negative
  • CMP: Compare
  • NEG: Negate ;
    Rd = 0 – shift(Rm, amount)
  • NEGS: Negate and set flags

How ADD works, the others are similar:
ADD <Xd>, <Xn>, <Xm>{, <shift> #<amount>}
Rd = Rn + shift(Rm, amount);

There’re also the Arithmetic with carry instructions which accept two source registers, with the carry flag as an additional input to the calculation and don’t support shift.

  • ADC: Add with carry
    ADC <Xd>, <Xn>, <Xm>
  • ADCS: Add with carry and set flags
    ADCS <Xd>, <Xn>, <Xm> ;Rd = Rn + Rm + C
  • SBC: Subtract with carry
    SBC <Xd>, <Xn>, <Xm> ;Rd = Rn – Rm – 1 + C
  • SBCS: Subtract with carry and set flags
  • NGC: Negate with carry
    NGC <Xd>, <Xm>  ;Rd = 0 – Rm – 1 + C
  • NGCS: Negate with carry and set flags

Logical (shifted register)

  • AND: Bitwise AND
  • ANDS: Bitwise AND and set flags
  • BIC: Bitwise bit clear
    Rd = Rn AND NOT shift(Rm, amount)
  • BICS: Bitwise bit clear and set flags
  • EON: Bitwise exclusive OR NOT
    Rd = Rn EOR NOT shift(Rm, amount)
  • EOR: Bitwise exclusive OR
    Rd = Rn EOR shift(Rm, amount)
  • ORR: Bitwise inclusive OR
  • MVN: Bitwise NOT
    Rd = NOT shift(Rm, amount)
  • ORN: Bitwise inclusive OR NOT
    Rd = Rn OR NOT shift(Rm, amount)
  • TST: Test bits
    Rn AND shift(Rm, amount)

How they work:
AND <Xd>, <Xn>, <Xm>{, <shift> #<amount>}
Rd = Rn AND shift(Rm, amount)
Here <shift> has the default shift operators more the ROR (rotate right)

Multiply and divide

  • MADD Multiply-add
    MADD <Xd>, <Xn>, <Xm>, <Xa>; Rd = Ra + Rn * Rm
  • MSUB Multiply-subtract
  • MNEG Multiply-negate
  • MUL Multiply
    MUL <Xd>, <Xn>, <Xm>; Rd = Rn * Rm
  • SMADDL Signed multiply-add long
  • SMSUBL Signed multiply-subtract long
  • SMNEGL Signed multiply-negate long
  • SMULL Signed multiply long
  • SMULH Signed multiply high
  • UMADDL Unsigned multiply-add long
  • UMSUBL Unsigned multiply-subtract long
  • UMNEGL Unsigned multiply-negate long
  • UMULL Unsigned multiply long
  • UMULH Unsigned multiply high
  • SDIV Signed divide
    SDIV <Xd>, <Xn>, <Xm>; Rd = Rn / Rm
  • UDIV Unsigned divide


The Move (register) instructions are aliases for other data processing instructions. They copy a value from a general-purpose register to another general-purpose register or the current stack pointer, or from the current stack pointer to a general-purpose register.
MOV <Xd>, <Xm>
Xd = Xm;

Shift (register)

  • ASRV: Arithmetic shift right variable
  • LSLV: Logical shift left variable
  • LSRV: Logical shift right variable
  • RORV: Rotate right variable

An example:
ASRV <Xd>, <Xn>, <Xm>
Rd = ASR(Rn, Rm)
There’re alias instructions that haven’t the ending V.

The optional CRC32 instructions operate on the general-purpose register file to update a 32-bit CRC value from an input value comprising 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes.
There are two different classes of CRC instructions, CRC32 and CRC32C, that support two commonly used 32-bit polynomials, known as CRC-32 and CRC-32C.

Conditional select
The Conditional select instructions select between the first or second source register, depending on the current state of the condition flag

CSEL Conditional select CSEL <Xd>, <Xn>, <Xm>, <cond> ;Rd = if cond then Rn else Rm
CSINC Conditional select increment CSINC <Xd>, <Xn>, <Xm>, <cond> ;Rd = if cond then Rn else (Rm
+ 1)
CSINV Conditional select inversion CSINV <Xd>, <Xn>, <Xm>, <cond>  ;Rd = if cond then Rn else NOT (Rm)
CSNEG Conditional select negation  CSNEG <Xd>, <Xn>, <Xm>, <cond>  ;Rd = if cond then Rn else -Rm
CSET Conditional set CSET <Xd>, <cond>  ;Rd = if cond then 1 else 0
CSETM Conditional set mask  CSETM <Xd>, <cond> ;Rd = if cond then -1 else 0
CINC Conditional increment  CINC <Xd>, <Xn>, <cond> ;Rd = if cond then Rn+1 else Rn
CINV Conditional invert  CINV <Xd>, <Xn>, <cond> ;Rd = if cond then NOT(Rn) else Rn
CNEG Conditional negate  CNEG <Xd>, <Xn>, <cond>  ;Rd = if cond then -Rn else Rn


Conditional comparison
The Conditional comparison instructions provide a conditional select for the NZCV condition flags, setting the flags to the result of an arithmetic comparison of its two source register values if the named input condition is true, or to an immediate value if the input condition is false. There are register and immediate forms. The immediate form compares the source register to a small 5-bit unsigned value.

CCMN Conditional compare negative (register) CCMN <Xn>, <Xm>, #<nzcv>, <cond>  ;flags = if cond then compare(Rn, -Rm) else #nzcv
CCMN Conditional compare negative (immediate) CCMN <Xn>, #<imm>, #<nzcv>, <cond> ;flags = if cond then compare(Rn, #-imm) else #nzcv
CCMP Conditional compare (register) CCMP <Xn>, <Xm>, #<nzcv>, <cond> ;flags = if cond then compare(Rn, Rm) else #nzcv
CCMP Conditional compare (immediate) CCMP <Xn>, #<imm>, #<nzcv>, <cond> ;flags = if cond then compare(Rn, #imm) else #nzcv


  • <nzcv> is the flag bit specifier, an immediate in the range 0 to 15, giving the alternative state for the 4-bit NZCV condition flags, encoded in the nzcv field.
  • <imm> Is a five bit unsigned (positive) immediate encoded in the imm5 field.

How ccmop works:
it checks NZCV flags for <cond>,  if previous comparison passed, do this one and set NZCV, otherwise set NZCV to <imm>.
If we have to write this code:
x0 >= x1 && x2 == x3
in arm assembly, with ccmp we can do this:

cmp x0, x1
ccmp x2, x3, #0, ge
beq good

Assembly Example:

It’s time to code!! Like others tutorial on assembly  I show first the C-like code and then ARM asm.

#include "stdio.h"

static int v[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
void print(int i);
int add(int v, int t);

int main() {

int i;
int array[10];

for(i=0; i < 10; i++)
	array[i] = v[i] * (add(i,5));

return 0;


int add(int v, int t) {
 return  v + t;

Now this is the asm code generated by GCC, you need to download Linaro GCC to code on ARMv8:

	.cpu generic+fp+simd
	.align	3
	.type	v, %object
	.size	v, 40
;v array
	.word	1
	.word	2
	.word	3
	.word	4
	.word	5
	.word	6
	.word	7
	.word	8
	.word	9
	.word	10

0000000000410918 :
  410918:    00000001     .word    0x00000001
  41091c:    00000002     .word    0x00000002
  410920:    00000003     .word    0x00000003
  410924:    00000004     .word    0x00000004
  410928:    00000005     .word    0x00000005
  41092c:    00000006     .word    0x00000006
  410930:    00000007     .word    0x00000007
  410934:    00000008     .word    0x00000008
  410938:    00000009     .word    0x00000009
  41093c:    0000000a     .word    0x0000000a
; end dump

	.align	2
	.global	main
	.type	main, %function
	stp	x29, x30, [sp, -80]! ;save register into sp-80 and sp-88, and free memory for array
;remember the Pre-indexed addressing
	add	x29, sp, 0 ; frame pointer = stack pointer
	str	x19, [sp,16] ;store r19 - remember Base plus offset

;first loop
	str	wzr, [x29,76] ;i=0 -> wzr: zero register
	b	.L2 ;branch to label
	adrp	x0, v ;calc label address  --> dump:   adrp    x0, 410000 
	add	x1, x0, :lo12:v   ; --> dump:    add    x1, x0, #0x918 see above 0x410918 dump
	ldrsw	x0, [x29,76] ;load signed word (i variable)
	lsl	x0, x0, 2 ;logical shift left (as mult for 2^2), it need to calc i-offset
	add	x0, x1, x0
	ldr	w19, [x0] ; w19 = v[i]
	ldr	w0, [x29,76] ;remember [x29,76] is i
;remeber w0 is paramer register
	mov	w1, 5 ;w1 is a param register
	bl	add  ;call add(w0, w1)
	mul	w1, w19, w0 ;w0 after a bl has result value
;w1 = v[i] * add(w0,w1)
	add	x2, x29, 32 ;array base address: FP+32
	ldrsw	x0, [x29,76] ;load i variable
	lsl	x0, x0, 2 ;calc the
	add	x0, x2, x0  ;array[i] offset as for v[i]
	str	w1, [x0] ;save w1 into x0 address

	ldr	w0, [x29,76]
	add	w0, w0, 1 ; i += 1
	str	w0, [x29,76]
	ldr	w0, [x29,76]
	cmp	w0, 9
	ble	.L3 ; if i <= 9 re-start loop
;end of first for cicle
	mov	w0, 0  ;w0 is the result register in this case
	ldr	x19, [sp,16]  ;re-load old x19 value
	ldp	x29, x30, [sp], 80 ;re-load old frame pointer and return address
	.size	main, .-main
	.section	.rodata

	.align	2
	.global	add
	.type	add, %function

;start of generic prologue
	sub	sp, sp, #16 ;free memory for 2 register
	str	w0, [sp,12] ; save the first param
	str	w1, [sp,8] ;save the second param
;end of prologue
	ldr	w1, [sp,12] ;load the first param
	ldr	w0, [sp,8] ;load second param
	add	w0, w1, w0 ;w0 has the result value

	add	sp, sp, 16 ;free the stack
	ret   ;return to address  in x30
	.size	add, .-add

To run this code, you can use ARM Foundation Model (it’s free) how you see here: the Hello World in ARMv8


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리눅스 런타임 락 의존성 검사 : lockdep  (0) 2015.04.21